Helpful Information For Students
Why students are choosing
Best Choice College Consulting!
Keeping your grades up, studying for the ACT/SAT, extracurricular, deadlines, jobs, and enjoying being a teenager are all part of your life. Adding the college process can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful.
I will teach you the skills you will need to stay organized, manage your time, enjoy your life and manage stress. You will be proud of your accomplishments, and ready to understand how to research the colleges that are the best choices for you. You will be prepared for your decision and ready for your college experience.
Through assessments, discussions and research, you will know who you are and what you are looking for in a college. You will be certain that your college list matches your requirements, wishes, desires and is the best choice for you.
Discover and understand who you are, what your college goals and desires are and which college is the best choice for you!
Experienced consultant
Learn the process
Personalize your plan
Reduce your stress
Find your Best Choice!
Providing insightful guidance, strategic advising, and successful results.
Specialized Programs
Every student's situation is different. That's why we offer specialized programs that cater to each student's situation and goals.
Group Effort
While the priority of our efforts are geared towards helping our students, we believe that the best outcomes are achieved by making sure parents, counselors, and teachers are included in the process at the appropriate times and places.
Flexibile Schedulilng
We recognize that high school students live busy lives between school, sports, clubs and family activities. We work with our students and their families so that their schedules aren't interrupted.
Successful Programs
Our programs are proven to be successful at helping students and their families achieve their college education goals.
Affordable Programs
We have specifically designed our student programs to be affordable for families looking to maximize their child's success at reaching their college goals.
Trusted Company
Pam Vardaro's reputation for being a trusted and successful college consultant means your child's best interests will always be the most important factor in designing their plan for success.